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Wesley Chapel Lions Club
Wesley Chapel Lions Club

How We Serve

Screening for Diabetes saves lives.

Supporting Teachers

Our club works with local schools to assist the teachers to help your children get the most out of their education.  You can read mor about our Read 4 a Ride program on its own page but it is just one example of how we help.  Our members volunteer to go to the school and read to the children.   We provide new books that approved by the school but are in short supply.  We shop for the teachers twice a year.  Providing them with needed supplies but more importantly taking one more task off their hands.

This is about being part of the community solution. Schools thrive of volunteers and our team stands ready to help. 

Vision and Hearing Screenings

The Wesley Chapel Lions Club is able to travel to many  preschools and day care centers where we offer screening services to detect vision and hearing deficiencies in children.

In 2018 we examined over 1,000 preschool children for the most common eye diseases that are often undetected. If not caught before the age of 6 many of these eye ailments will become incurable and can lead to blindness. 

We screen for 7 childhood issues including Hyperopia (farsightedness), Myopia (nearsightedness), Astigmatism (blurred vision), Anisometropia (unequal refractive power), Anisocoria (unequal pupil size), Strabismus (eye misalignment), and Media Opacities (i.e. cataracts and corneal scars).

This friendly device assists in our vision screening of children in the Tampa Bay Area. Identifying eye disease early can change a child's life.
Providing or the community is of great importance to the Wesley Chapel Lions Club.

Food Collection

We actively collect dry goods and non-perishables or local food banks at our fund raisers and local events. We partner with the food pantries to make sure that families in our community have enough to eat.

Lions believe in giving back!

Disaster Preparedness

The Wesley Chapel Lions Club partners with the Lions of Southwest Florida to assist with hurricane preparedness and disaster relief. Our club jumps into action when there is a need to collect and deliver supplies to those affected by these unpredictable events. 

We provide cleanup assistance and other support for people who cannot support themselves. 

Life is unpredictable and the WC Lions are here to provide disaster relief to those in need.
Taking care of our community starts with one simple step, including cleaning up the trash along the road.

Environmental Projects

Driving down Bruce B Downs? Take a look out your window and you might see a Lion in a bright yellow vest. We dutifully work to preserve our community by collecting and disposing of the waste found along this highway. 

Every year Americans use 30 billion foam cups, 220 million tires, and 1.8 billion disposable diapers. 

Every year over 1 million sea birds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed each year by litter. Additionally, approximately 40% of the lakes in America have so much pollution that they are not suitable for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.

Eye Glass Collection

We have several locations in the community where you can drop off used glasses and hearing aids. The glasses are sorted, counted, and packed into boxes where we send them to Lions organizations that refurbish, recycle, and donate them to people in need.

We have locations in both Wesley Chapel and Land O Lakes.

Thank you to our partners who allow us to collect these important items in their locations. 

Eye glass donations provide both lenses and frames for those who would not be able to afford glasses otherwise.
Copyright 2018 Wesley Chapel Lions Foundation